Sunday, 27 October 2013

Workshop 2 – Arduino and Further brainstorming

During this session we were given access to several tools to give us an understanding of what we can do with the kit provided to us and also to further develop our ideas.

We started by installing the SDK on the laptop provided to us and then ran through couple of examples which gave us a chance to play around with the LEDs and the temperature sensors.

Prior to the workshop I carried out some independent research regarding our two ideas from the previous workshop. It turned out that our idea of creating a bat mapper was quite ambitious and perhaps unachievable in the 5 weeks period. Me and Vlad spoke to a few research assistants about our concerns and based on their feedback we decided that it is perhaps best to not pursue this idea.

This left us with the subliminal controller, which I personally wasn't a big fond of as I couldn't see many applications of it. Since we couldn't think of any other ideas, we decided as a team that unless I come up with something better before Friday, we'll go with the subliminal controller.

During the workshop we also used Occulus Rift and Leap motion and discussed with the research assistants about how they work. This not only helped us understand its functionality but also inspired us to think about how we can incorporate them in our interactive device.

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