Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Modifying the core - Part 2

Now that I was able to reassemble the Rubik's Void around the core and all the encoders were in place, the next step was to attach the custom-built mechanism to the cube so that when a side of the cube is rotated, it rotates the corresponding encoder as well.

Upon attaching the mechanism it turned out that it's bottom layer was thick and therefore prevented movement of parts of the cube (as discussed in Designing parts of the cube). This is caused by the shape of the core; since the core is spherical some part of it comes out of the centre of Rubik's Void (shown in image below).

At first I spent couple of hours grazing the bottom layers along the path where each side moves. This however proved to be unsuccessful. So I was faced with 2 choices, either design the bottom layer of the mechanism to be spherical in shape, so it could perfectly fit the shape of the sphere, or modify the core so that the area around the encoders is flat, to match the shape of the bottom layer of the mechanism. Images below.

I explained the problem to Vlad and he suggested modifying the core because we couldn't think of a way to make a spherical bottom layer. So after spending couple of hours making areas around the encoders flat, I was finally able to reassemble the cube and perfectly fit the mechanism around all the encoders. The mechanics of the cube worked as intended, i.e. when each side of the cube was moved it in turn moved the encoder it was attached to, and each encoder could also be used as a button. Below is the picture of the final Rubikon:

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